Wednesday, June 15, 2011

two views of the eiffel tower; influences part two

While I was making this drawing, I was thinking about two things:

1. I really want to go to France, specifically Paris. I am completely jealous of the lovely and fashionable woman for whom this sweet little statue was a treasured souvenir.

2. From a wholly different angle, I was thinking about the amazing documentary Married to the Eiffel Tower.

This is relevant to the project, I promise.
The film explores the relationship between human and object taken beyond its logical extreme.

If consideration/distribution were a class, watching Married to the Eiffel Tower would be extra credit. It adds a certain layer to the exploration of the meaning of objects.

valuable things

This is a fun one. A friend submitted a receipt from a birthday dinner with the values of delicious things he ate and drank clearly marked in euros. (He mailed it from Italy-- exotic). Also included was a lovely story of the birthday evening and the photobooth picture of himself and his (beautiful) fiance taken during the festivities. So many kinds of value in one little envelope. Memories and euros and experiences and documents. This is just the sort of thing I was hoping to investigate.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

every time

I have to admit, every time I am working on one of these drawings, I hit a spot where I think "This one is ruined. I should throw it out and start over." But so far I haven't done it. I just keep drawing until it looks okay, or I go to bed and look at it again the next day. So far, the ones I am most pessimistic about turn out to be the ones that look really cool.